You are the
potter, I am a mound of clay,
Mix me with
water, mold me as You may,
Even when
gets hotter, You always save the day,
Let me not totter,
please show me the way.
You are the
carpenter, I am the piece of wood,
Fill me with
laughter, fill me with only good,
Shape me
into a tool, one to spread your word,
To transform
a lost fool, into a beautiful bird.
You are the
shepherd, I am but just a sheep,
Guide me 4m
the leopard, make me not weep,
Show me the
path to follow, lead me to the water of life,
The holy
spirit I shall borrow, to end in me all the strife.
You are the
tailor, I am a piece of cloth,
Sew me into
a sailor, one who sails over the broth,
Mend any
torn garment shred, return it to one whole piece,
Let in me
the Holy Spirit imbed, and watch me like a police.
You have
brought me this far, and even further you shall take me,
Protect me
from the huge war, provide a spear & armor to shield thee,
Walk with me
on my journey, raise me up like a bread of leaven,
May I
eventually win the tourney, and come to join you in heaven.