Tuesday, 8 April 2014

Alcohol Problems


I stare down a shot of vodka, take it dry, no chase(r),

One more sip?? or maybe not? my thoughts begin to race,

I'm nauseated by the smell but excited by the taste,

"Shots!", My "friends" urge me onwards as if in haste.


As one turned into 2, then 3, then 4, I lost count,

Didn't even notice as my alcohol level began to mount,

Until now...now my thoughts are no longer mine,

Last I checked I couldn't walk in a straight line.


I can't take it any more, I swallow it one one foul swoop,

Mouth itches, throat burns, my stomach churns like "whoop"!

Time for the lemon to act, take a bite to relax my insides,

And it really works, notwithstanding the bitterness besides.


At this point in time I know, it's gona be a long night,

My body agrees, in the end alcohol's gona win this fight,

Sleep, you don't miss me, do you? I'm coming, don't fret,

You're my number 2 now, number one on the list is the toilet.


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